Miss Auburn Opelika Area

Scholarship Competition
Miss Lee County's Fairest of the Fair Pageant
FAQs and Information
Where can I get an application?
Applications are located on our website at www.missauburnopelikaarea.com and in the Opelika-Auburn News. We are also happy to email an application upon request.
Where can I turn in my application?
Applications will need to be mailed in to 200 Lee Rd 845, Valley, AL 36854 along with all fees. This is not the physical address of the pageant. You may send in cash, checks, or money orders made payable to LEE COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION. We are not accepting any applications by email and we do not have PayPal, Venmo, Square, or CashApp. Currently, we do not have a drop off location as we have in past years. We will post to our Facebook page and event if this changes. Applications will also be accepted at check in the day of the pageant along with a $10 late fee.
Who do I make my check or money order payable to?
Lee County Fair Association. We ask that you please do not make checks or money orders out to Miss Lee County Fair Pageant, Little Miss Lee County Fair, or Miss Lee County’s Fairest of the Fair.
Is there a fee to enter the Fair?
There is a nominal gate fee and everyone will have to go through the main gate to enter the fair. The contestant and one parent/guardian are admitted free.
Is this pageant opened or closed?
This pageant is open to all who wish to enter. There are no residency restrictions.
Are times in Central or Eastern?
What time is check in?
Check in will be from 6:00p – 6:30p Central Time. Contestants will need to arrive to check in dressed and ready for Sportswear competition. We will not accept any applications before or after check in. The pageant committee will still be setting up equipment and for the safety of you, the contestants, and pageant volunteers, we ask that you please do not come or loiter under the tent or in the designated dressing area until 6:00p.
Is this pageant Glitz or Natural for the Beauty portion?
We prefer the term “Semi-Glitz.” Pageant dresses and some off the rack dresses are used. They are a more toned-down version of glitz but a more “done up” version of Natural. You will see both at our pageant. Please remember this is a Fair pageant will take place outside. You are welcome to look at our past pageant pictures on our website and Facebook page.
Contestant’s hair and makeup should enhance beauty, not be too over the top. Hair and makeup are not required and will not affect the contestants score.
What is sportswear?
Sportswear is clothing designed for casual or informal wear. It can be something your child will wear to school or an outing. The latest trends in clothing. Please remember this is a Fair pageant will take place outside. You are welcome to look at our past pageant pictures on our website and Facebook page.
Is there a dressing room since this pageant is outside?
Yes. The Fair Association allows us to use the building behind the tent for a dressing area/room. There will be tables, a few chairs, dressing racks, and electrical strips. This area is for changing and touch-ups. We ask that the contestant arrive at the Fairgrounds ready to hit the stage for sportswear competition after checking in. We will only allow ONE FEMALE in the dressing area per contestant. NO MEN OR BOYS SHOULD EVER BE IN THE DRESSING AREA AT ANY TIME! If a man or boy is in or around the door of the dressing area at any time, they will be asked to leave the Fairgrounds immediately. THIS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! NO EXECPTIONS!
Do you have someone onsite doing contestant hair and makeup or can we bring someone in?
No. We do not have anyone onsite to do contestant hair and/or makeup. We also do not allow outside vendors in the dressing room. Since we have such a small space in the building behind the tent, we will only allow ONE FEMALE in the dressing area per contestant.
What happens if it rains?
The pageant is held under the big tent at the Fairgrounds. The pageant will go on rain or shine.
What is the order of events?
Check in will be from 6:00p to 6:30p Central Time. Optional Photogenic for all age groups will be from 6:30p to 6:50p. Pageant will begin at 7:00p. Sportwear for all groups, Optional Talent entries for all groups, Beauty for all groups, and Crowning for all groups. Times of age groups on stage will be based on the number of contestants in each age group. Please have contestants ready as we try and move through each competition as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Do you have a Rising Star pageant or program for your Outstanding Teen?
No, we do not hold a separate pageant or program for Rising Star. However, the winner of our Little and Jr Teen Miss Lee County Fair age groups will be given the option of accompanying our newly crowned Miss Lee County Fair’s Outstanding Teen to Alabaster for the state pageant as her Rising Star the following March. The fees for Rising Star attending Miss Alabama’s Outstanding Teen Pageant are the responsibility of the parents/guardians and are not paid for by the Lee County Fair Association or the Lee County Fair Pageant Committee.
What awards are given?
Each age group will have a Queen, up to four alternates, and a sportswear winner. There will also be awards in each age group for optional talent and photogenic entries.
How are the scores tabulated?
Each contestant will be scored on stage presence, personality, and overall beauty in both beauty and sportswear categories. Optional talent and photogenic categories are scored and awarded separately as they are optional. They do not affect the overall score.
Is there a rehearsal or practice?
We do not hold a separate rehearsal or practice for the pageant. After the contestant is checked in, they are welcome to walk the stage and practice prior to the pageant. All contestants must be off the stage 10 min prior to pageant start.
How should the contestant walk the stage?
We suggest all contestants follow the basic pageant “T” pattern. Contestant age groups will line up behind the backdrop on the stage or behind the tent. Once the contestant is announced, they will enter at back right, walk to back center, then to front center, front right, then front left, and exit behind the emcee at back left. Contestants will need to line back up backstage after walking the stage for a final group line up. They will all walk out together with their group for a final look.

What size photo should I turn in for the optional photogenic competition?
A 5x7 works best for the optional photogenic competition. Additional photos may be submitted for $10 each. Have name and division on back and it is always a good idea to have your photos placed in a clear protective sleeve. NO FRAMES! Any style photo works. It’s ultimately whatever you think is “most photogenic” of you! You will bring all optional photogenic entries to check in with you the day of the pageant. DO NOT MAIL PHOTOS! Photos will be on the registration table after the pageant. It is your responsibility to pick these up. WE WILL NOT MAIL PHOTOS BACK TO YOU!
What do we need to do if we want to enter in the optional talent competition?
Talents can be anything you deem to be a “talent.” We have had all kinds! We have had everything from joke-telling, singing, and monologues, to dances and acrobatic routines. We do ask that your routine be no more than 90 seconds. This is a standard time used by our Outstanding Teen and Miss preliminaries for the Miss Alabama system. CDs work best with our equipment if you have music and we ask that music be edited and pre-cut to the 90 second time limit. Please bring 2 CDs with you to check in the day of the pageant to ensure we have no issues playing your music. DO NOT MAIL CDs! If you have a piano talent, please let the pageant committee know ahead of time. This will allow for a full-sized keyboard to be set up and ready prior to the pageant. CDs will be at the Sound Director's table after the pageant. It is your responsibility to pick these up. WE WILL NOT MAIL CDs BACK TO YOU!
Will there be pictures after the pageant?
Yes. We ask that after each group is crowned and awarded. They remain onstage for a quick group photo. At the conclusion all crowning and awards, we ask that all our new reigning Miss Lee County Fair Queens come back to the stage for group and individual photos.
Will photos of the winners/pageant be in the local newspaper?
We will submit all photos to the Opelika-Auburn News. It will be their decision to publish. If they choose to publish, we will share and announce on our Facebook page.
Are we able to obtain a contestant’s score sheet?
No, all judges’ scoresheets are collected at the conclusion of the pageant and placed in a sealed envelope to be destroyed. They are not retained or looked at by the pageant staff, committee, or fair association. All judges’ decisions are final. Please do not attempt to approach and/or talk to any judge or auditor. If there are any issues, please find a pageant committee member immediately.